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        發布時間:2023-12-11 20:01:05    作者:pg電子,pg電子官方網站,pg娛樂電子游戲官網

        August 21 2023。月日雅思

        雅思作文真題直擊 | | 欄目推送闡明。大作





        Some people think more public money should be spent on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?示寫




        Nowadays,示寫 a。panorama。月日雅思of。大作traffic-laden。文演roadways appears to。stretch into infinity。, with a high correlation to road injuries and even。fatalities。. To solve this。conundrum。,pg電子官方網站 a simple investment in upgrading road networks and highways should be viewed as a。long shot。, while combined efforts with access to a。well-integrated。public transportation system should be emphasized for more。desirable upshots。.。



        ? panorama 全景n.。

        ? traffic-laden 交通擁堵的 adj.。

        ? stretch into infinity 延伸到無限。

        ? fatalities 逝世n.。

        ? conundrum 難題n.。

        ? upgrade 改進v.。

        ? a long shot 冒險測驗,指或許性很小的測驗或冒險。

        ? well-integrated 歸納杰出的 adj.。

        ? desirable upshots 抱負的成果。

        Body 1。

        Those who。cling to the notion。of。road-oriented policy。may。take it for granted。that。nifty。public works, be。multi-layered flyovers。or。expressways。linking two counties, could enhance。traffic capacity。in。car-dependent。metropolitan regions with an。ever-expanding。vehicle ownership. Besides,optimization。of non-motor vehicle lane in CBD might be beneficial in dealing with increased。complexity。in road traffic due to the growing popularity of。e-scoote。rs and e-bikes。. Nevertheless, the afore-mentioned。antidotes。are plainly。futile attempts。to catch up with soaring use of either。petrol-fueled。or。electricity-fueled。mobilities; an。oblivion。of either forthcoming。autonomous automobiles。or。shrinking parking space。is unlikely lift a city out of the congestion。limbo。.。



        ?cling to the notion 堅持某種觀念。

        ?road-oriented policy以路途為導向的方針。

        ?take it for granted天經地義地以為。

        ?nifty 美麗的。

        ?multi-layered flyovers 多層立交橋。

        ?expressways 高速公路。

        ?traffic capacity 交通才能。

        ?car-dependent 依靠轎車的 adj.。

        ?ever-expanding 不斷添加的 adj.。

        ?optimization 優化n.。

        ?complexity 雜亂情況n.。

        ?e-scooters and e-bikes 電動滑板車和電動自行車。

        ?antidote 解藥。

        ?futile attempts 白費的測驗。

        ?petrol-fueled 以汽油為燃料的。

        ?electricity-fueled 以電為燃料的。

        ?oblivion 忘記 n.。

        ?autonomous automobiles 自動駕駛轎車。

        ?shrinking parking space 不斷縮小的泊車空間。

        ?limbo 處于中心的或不定的狀況。

        Body 2。

        Horrific。incongruity。between commuting needs and road public facilities,ipso facto。, could be。remedied。by supplying additional buses, underground systems, trams and sky trains. Be。punctuality。and reliability in scheduling were。warranted。, public’s。enthusiasm。for prioritizing public transport could be。fueled。, while。subsidy。could be imposed on。fare。of long-distance train coaches and trains, thus。catering to。commuting needs of。the budget-conscious group。who are。housebound。due to limited mobility. Clearly,facilitation。of improved。mass transit。infrastructure lowers the。economic and social costs。associated with commuting。in a sustainable manner。.。



        ?incongruity 不協調。

        ?ipso facto 事實上。

        ?be remedied 被糾正。

        ?punctuality 按時性。

        ?be warranted被確保。

        ?enthusiasm 熱心。

        ?be fueled 被激起。

        ?subsidy 補助n.。

        ?fare 票價n.。

        ?cater to 滿意。

        ?the budget-conscious group 預算嚴重的集體。

        ?housebound 足不出戶的adj.。

        ?facilitation 改進n.。

        ?mass transit 公共交通。

        ?economic and social costs 經濟和社會本錢。

        ?in a sustainable manner 以可繼續的方法。

        Ending Paragraph。

        In essence,a sole reliance on。either improved road network or a。fully-fledged。transportation service is a。sure-fire recipe。for a。gloomy。prospect that we cannot afford. Rather, both。tactics。should be implemented with equal significance.。



        ?a sole reliance on 只是依靠。

        ?fully-fledged 完善的。

        ?sure-fire recipe 滿有把握的食譜。

        ?gloomy 暗淡的。

        ?tactics 戰略。



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