August 27,雅思 2023。
雅思詞匯解析 | | 欄目推送闡明。詞匯
1. contaminate /k?n't?m?ne?t/。雅思
a. v. 污染;弄臟。詞匯
調配:be contaminated with。解析
e.g. Japan has begun discharging more than 1m tones of contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.。雅思pg娛樂電子游戲官網
e.g. Japan's devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused water within the Fukushima nuclear plant to be contaminated with highly radioactive material.。詞匯
彌補:discharge 排放。解析
devastating adj. 毀滅性的。
b. 毒害;常用作比方。
e.g. Racist ideas have contaminated their minds.。
n. contamination 污染;毒害。
e.g. There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.。
e.g. We must ensure our children against contamination by bad ideas.。
n. contaminant 污染物。
e.g. Polluted water contains contaminants.。
e.g. The water is infected with harmful bacteria or other contaminants.。
2. aquatic /?'kw?t?k/。
adj. 水棲的;水生的;
調配:aquatic products 水產。
aquatic life 水生生物。
aquatic sports 水上運動。
e.g. Aquatic sports include swimming and rowing.。
e.g. China has decided to suspend the import of aquatic products (including edible aquatic animals) originating from Japan.。
注:edible 可食用的。
rowing 劃船運動。
Aquarius 水瓶座。
aquaculture 水產養殖業。
Aquaman 水王(18年上映的電影)。
3. dump /d?mp/。
v. 不合法傾倒(廢物)。
e.g. A million tons of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea.。
e.g. The factory has been dumping waste into the river.。
n. 廢物場; 廢物堆; 齷齪的當地。
e.g. The site has become a toxic waste dump.。
e.g. I can't believe you live in this dump.。
習語彌補: down in the dumps 抑郁的;懊喪的。
e.g. Whether temporarily down in the dumps, or chronically depressed, many rely on anti-depressants to lift their mood.。
4. radioactive /?re?d???'?kt?v/。
adj. 放射性的;有輻射的。
e.g. People should keep away from the radioactive waste.。
e.g. There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.。
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