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        發布時間:2023-11-06 05:04:31    作者:pg電子,pg電子官方網站,pg娛樂電子游戲官網

        November 5,雅思 2023

        雅思詞匯解析 | | 欄目推送說明





        1. commute /k?'mju?t/

        v. 通勤;上下班往返

        搭配:commute from … to ….

        commute between … and ….

        e.g. Commuting from a suburb to the city center every day is very difficult.

        e.g. It's exhausting commuting from Brighton to

        London every day.

        n. 經常往返的路程(常用作單數)

        e.g. It's at least an hour's commute to work.

        n. commuter 通勤的人

        搭配:rush-hour/ daily/ regular/ long-distance commuters

        commuter train 通勤列車

        e.g. The station was busy with rush-hour commuters.

        e.g. Thousands of daily commuters pour into the city.

        2. carpool /'kɑ?pu?l/

        v./n. 合伙用車;拼車

        e.g. Carpooling is an eco-friendly alternative to driving alone, as it helps decrease the number of cars on the road and reduces air pollution.

        e.g. Many employees at our company carpool to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on transportation costs.

        e.g. In densely populated cities, carpooling is often promoted as a way to alleviate traffic congestion and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

        補充:The benefits of carpooling

        eco-friendly 環保的;對環境危害小的

        reduce carbon footprint 減少碳足跡

        alleviate traffic congestion 緩解交通擁堵

        save money on transportation costs 省錢

        3. rush hour

        n. (上下班的)交通高峰時間,交通擁擠時段

        e.g. To beat the rush hour,詞匯 I often leave for work early in the morning when the roads are relatively clear.

        e.g. The city's traffic is at its worst during rush hour, with bumper-to-bumper congestion on the highways.

        補充:bumper-to-bumper 一輛接著一輛的

        4. pedestrian /p?'destr??n/

        n. 行人

        e.g. Pedestrians should always use crosswalks when crossing the street to ensure their safety.

        e.g. The driver was fined for failing to yield to a pedestrian at the crosswalk.


        crosswalk 人行橫道

        fine: 罰款

        yield: 行人或車輛讓路,讓行

        adj. 平庸的解析;乏味的;無聊的

        syn. uninteresting; boring

        e.g. His speech was long and pedestrian.

        e.g. He lived a pedestrian life, working at the paper mill and living in his trailer.






        梁諾恒社媒慶祝浙江隊獲季軍:最好的劇本和結果,亞冠我們又來了 路虎攬勝行政加長皇家一號5.98米雙色 陳發虎院士:ATES推進跨學科、跨區域、跨言語國際交流協作 40余名粵臺學子到廣州美術學院展開藝術交流活動 詹姆斯:我在場上從不惜力,湖人戰績還贏著 公告!5名外籍研究生,予以退學處理 估計9月中旬上市 哈弗猛龍預售16 李凱爾9投全丟0分 競賽中怒摔毛巾!末節摘掉護目鏡卻杯水車薪 銀行“組團” 政策配合 為民營經濟發展注入“強心劑” 中小學名教師名班主任名校長名單!又一市公示
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