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        發布時間:2023-11-06 09:54:33    作者:pg電子,pg電子官方網站,pg娛樂電子游戲官網

        September 10,雅思 2023。

        雅思詞匯解析 | | 欄目推送闡明。詞匯






        1. iconic /a?'k?n?k/。雅思

        adj. 標志性的詞匯pg電子·(中國)娛樂官方網站。

        調配:iconic landmark 地標。解析

        白話論題:Which scenic spots have queues of people?雅思

        e.g. The longest queues should be expected in some iconic landmarks, such as Mount Huangshan, where people around the globe flock to capture breathtaking views.。

        n. icon。詞匯

        a. 代表;典型。解析

        e.g. The Great Wall is a potent Chinese cultural icon.。

        b. 偶像;崇拜目標。

        e.g. She's one of the country's best-loved sporting icons.。

        e.g. She quickly became an icon and a style sensation.。

        彌補:sensation 轟動一時的人。

        2. allure /?'lj??/。

        v. 招引;引誘。

        syn. attract; captivate。

        e.g. Hawaii allures a considerable number of tourists.。


        e.g. West Lake is known for its scenic allure and popularity.。

        e.g. The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.。

        adj. alluring 誘人的;誘人的。

        e.g. The life in a big city is alluring for the young people.。

        e.g. The new malls, ringed by car parks, are handy, even alluring.。

        3. sought-after /'s?t,?ft?/。

        adj. 搶手的;受歡迎的。

        e.g. Destinations that offer a combination of natural beauty, cultural richness tend to be highly sought after.。

        e.g. ‘Influencer’ is now a sought-after career choice for young people.。

        彌補:influencer 網紅。

        4. immerse /?'m??s/。

        v. 使沉溺于; 靜心于。

        常見調配:immerse oneself in。

        e.g. Some ancient cities can be alluring to history lovers where they can fully immerse themselves in the local culture.。

        e.g. Many people spend the bulk of their lives immersed in boring, repetitive routines.。

        adj. immersive 擬真的;沉溺式的。

        常見調配:an immersive experience/ environment。

        e.g. Live shows can offer you a more immersive and exhilarating experience.。





        詹姆斯談進攻板被爆:體型越大越好搶板 我們有三名大個子受傷了 根敦群佩當代藝術畫廊20周年紀念展拉薩舉行 斯基拉:帕瓦爾轉會國米費用3300萬歐含獎金,500萬歐年薪簽5年 “Z代代”畫像我國|成都咱們來啦!海外青年敞開四川之行 三節打卡!恩比德18中9&三分3中3 輕松攬下26分11籃板3助攻1封蓋 (經濟調查)鋰電工業“蓄能出?!?成福建外貿新動能 中新真探:糖尿病人不能吃水果嗎? 歐文:我曾想為澳大利亞國家隊效能 但這終究沒能產生 美媒預測詹姆斯哈登交易過后,最有可能發生的三筆交易 與新哈弗H5萍水相逢,敞開一場全能者的日子冒險
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