October 26,支招 2023
雅思小作文系列 | 欄目推送說明
[2023/ 10/21] The變遷 maps below show the Riverside Park in 2010 and the Riverside Park now.
The maps compare the layout of Riverside Park in 2010 and now.
In general, the park has witnessed remarkable changes, and more leisure facilities have been constructed.
- 整個區域變化大
- 休閑功能區增多
【Body 1】
In the initial year, we can see thatin the northern side of the park, a river flew from the west to the east.To the south of it, another river ran from the northeast to the southwest,witha toilet lying to the western side. Inthe southwestern cornerof the park, there were some trees and some car parks. On the eastern side, a heritage railway traveled through the park from the north to the south.
思路要點:2010 年(一般過去時)
- 公園北面,有一條西→東的支招河
- 在它南邊有另一條東北→西南走向的河,這條河西邊有一個toilet
- 公園的小作西南角,一些樹和一些停車場
- 公園最東邊,地圖有一條南北走向的公園pg電子·(中國)娛樂官方網站heritage railway
【Body 2】
At present, we can find thatin the northern part, a cycle path has been built to the southern bank of the river.Looking at the southern part,there were no changestothe previous toilet, trees and car parks.Besides, a cafe, some swings, sports fields and a stationhave appearedto the western side of the river,withanewly constructedparking and hotel located to the opposite side.
- 北面河流的南岸,新建了一條cycle path
- 南邊原來的變遷toilet、trees和car parks沒變化
- 南邊河流的支招西邊,新增了swings,小作 sports fields 和一個station;河對岸新建了一個parking和hotel