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        【pg娛樂電子游戲官網】支招小作文(157) I 動態表 8個國家游客數量

        發布時間:2023-11-04 16:27:43    作者:pg電子,pg電子官方網站,pg娛樂電子游戲官網

        August 31,支招 2023。

        雅思小作文系列 | 欄目推送闡明。小作



        [2023/ 8/26] The小作 table below shows the tourist arrivals in 8 different countries between 2009 and 2010.。





        The數量 table compares 8 countries in terms of the number of tourists from 2009 to 2010.。


        It is clear that。China remained to be the most popular destination among visitors in both years.。Also。, Germany witnessed the greatest change in tourist arrivals.。


        - China兩年游客數量堅持最高。

        - Germany改變起伏最大。

        【Body 1】。

        Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that。in the initial year, China and US。

        were chosen by 53 million and 52 million visitors, and these two figures。rose dramatically。by 9.5% and 8.4% respectively in the following year.。By contrast, a noticeable drop could be found。in the figure for tourists travelling to UK from 52 to 49 million, a decrease of 6%.。Although。only 40 million people visited Germany in 2009,there emerged the sharpest growth in this figure。by 11.1%.。

        思路關鍵:China, US, UK, Germany----改變量都≥6%。

        - China和US:從第一年的53和52million→急劇上升了9.5%和8.4%。

        - UK:從52million明顯下降到49million,下降了6%。

        - Germany:2009年有40million→急劇上升了11.1%。

        【Body 2】。

        Turkey was the third country in terms of tourist arrivals in the beginning, with 46 million in 2009. The subsequent year。experienced a slight climb in。this figure to 48.4 million, an increase of 5.3%.。The given period underwent a slight rise in。the figure for tourists to Italy and Spain by roughly 1%.。Besides。, France was the only country where the number of visitors remained steady at 42 million.。


        - Turkey:第一年排第三,46million→隨后小起伏上升到48.4million,改變量為5.3%。

        - Italy 、Spain:小起伏上升了1%。

        - France:堅持平穩,在42million。



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