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        【pg電子·(中國)娛樂官方網站】支招小作文(156) I 混合圖 作業時長&年假時刻

        發布時間:2023-11-01 16:43:44    作者:pg電子,pg電子官方網站,pg娛樂電子游戲官網

        August 24,支招 2023。

        雅思小作文系列 | 欄目推送闡明。小作



        [2023/ 8/19] The支招 line chart depicts variations in the overall count of individuals based on their average working hours, while the accompanying table illustrates the year-on-year fluctuations in the count of paid holidays spanning the period from 1998 to 2004.。



        The圖作 line chart and the table present information about the figure for people with different average working hours and the number of paid holidays on a yearly basis between 1998 and 2004.。


        It is 時刻clear that。compared with other two groups of people,支招pg電子·(中國)娛樂官方網站 less people worked over 45 hours.。Also。小作,混合 over the given period, the average number of paid holidays was on a rise.。


        - 45h以上的人數一直最低。

        - paid holiday全體上升趨勢。

        【Body 1】。

        Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that。in the initial year, 10.5 million of the surveyed people worked from 32 to 45 hours, and this figure。remained stable。until 1999.。After。

        a slight descent。to its lowest point at roughly 10.2 million in the next year,a constant growth by。1 million。could be found。in this figure in the following 4 years.。By contrast。, although there were only 10 million people who needed to work between 16 and 32 hours in 1998, this figure。rose。significantly to。its highest point at 12 million in the final year, overtaking the figure for those with 32-45 hours of work in the late period between 1999 and 2000.。


        - [32-45h]:第一年,10.5million→到1999年堅持平穩→接下來一年,小幅度下降到最低值10.2million→接下來四年持續上升1million。

        - 比照而言,[16-32h]:1998年有10million→明顯上升,最終一年到達最高值12million,其間在1999~2000年的晚期超越[32-45h]的人數份額。

        【Body 2】。

        From the table, we can see that。employees were given 25 days as a holiday in the beginning year. The subsequent 3-year period。witnessed a noticeable ascent。in this figure to the peak at 30,after which。there was a period of steadiness。until 2002.。Then。, two more days of holidays were given to working adults in the year 2003, and people could enjoy a vocation for 32 days until 2004.。


        - 第一年:25天→接下來3年明顯上升到30天→直到2002年堅持平穩。

        - 2003年假日增多2天,直到2004年都有32天假日。



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