December 28,雅思 2024
雅思詞匯解析 | | 欄目推送說明
1. fraud /fr??d//
n. 詐騙;欺詐
commit fraud 詐騙
online fraud 網絡詐騙
identity fraud 身份欺詐
e.g. Several computer users have become victims ofonline fraud.
e.g. The group of hackers was charged with trying tocommit fraudby accessing personal bank accounts and transferring funds illegally.
e.g. You may become a victim ofidentity fraudif your passport is stolen
補充:hacker 黑客
victim n. 受害者
2. vandalism/'v?nd(?)l?z(?)m/
n. 尤指對公共財產的故意破壞,搗毀
e.g. He was arrested for vandalism.
e.g. Vandalism of government property is 詞匯punishable by heavy fines and imprisonment.
補充:fine n. 罰款
imprisonment n. 關押;監禁;坐牢
v. vandalize 故意破壞;肆意搗毀
e.g. Protesters looted stores, set fires and vandalized cars and buildings.
e.g. The historic statue in the park was vandalized with offensive graffiti.
n. vandal 故意破壞公物者
e.g. Local residents were shocked when they discovered that the playground had been destroyed by vandals.
3. convict /k?n'v?kt/
v. 定罪;證明(某人)有罪
搭配:be convicted of 給…定罪;宣判…有罪
e.g. He has twice been convicted of arson.
e.g. She was convicted of embezzlement for stealing large sums of money from her employer over several years.
補充:embezzlement n. 挪用
n. 囚犯
e.g. The convicts were deported to a deserted island.
4. piracy /'pa?r?s?/
n. 盜版行為;侵犯版權
搭配:software/music/video piracy軟件/音樂/視頻的盜版行為
e.g. The film industry has taken legal action against online piracy in an effort to protect intellectual property rights.
e.g. The company lost millions of dollars in revenue due to the piracy of their latest software, which was being shared illegally online.
補充:intellectual property知識產權;知識財產
v. pirate 盜版
e.g. Many people are afraid of their work being pirated online, especially when it comes to software and digital content.